Quaddie Killer for all of 2025
By popular demand we introduce The Quaddie Killer.
A lot of Battlers love having a Quaddie. And while the short priced legs are often easy to find it's the Quaddie Killer that add value to the dividend. And if two Quaddie Killers can land you are talking serious money.
We work hard to only tip 1 or 2 per race. We understand people having a bet don’t want to be tipped 4 in a race. But the dynamic of exotics is different. And there is more opportunity to “go wide”.
Hence the Quaddie Killer.
It is easy to find the $3 or $4 Quaddie Leg.
It is the Quaddie Killer where the value is. When everyone is ripping up their ticket it is our time. We suggest the roughies, outside the favourites, that can win.
Use the data mixed with your more fancied runners to hit the Quaddie.
For Wednesday and Saturday meets you can get the additional data. This is 2-3 knockout hopes per leg of the main Quaddie to consider outside the tips.
This is an entertainment service for people who enjoy horse racing. Horse racing is a great recreational past time , that when done responsibly, people enjoy.
Our service is trying to find roughies, we believe, are over the odds for you to consider.
We are not a financial service or give financial advice.
If you have issues with gambling we do not recommend you joining our service.
If you enjoy the occasional punt, like a roughie, and just want a service that is entertainment based we may be suitable for you.
Horse racing is a risk, there are good times and bad times.
We have hundreds of long term battlers that find our service worth it, but if you are looking for those things above we say we are not then we ask you do not join the battlers. Thanks
By signing up you agree you have read and agreed to the terms of service (conditions) and are 18+. We are only an information site, we are not a wagering website. If you use the information we provide you understand and accept at your own risk.
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